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  • After a business entity is formed do I have to file anything else
    Yes most types of business in Iowa have to file a biennial report which is filed every two years. A BOI Report must also be filed within 30 days of creating a business entity.
  • How often is a biennial report filed.
    If your business entity is an LLC, LP, or Nonprofit Corporation you will file your Biennial Report during odd-numbered years. If your business entity is a for-Profit Corporation (Inc.) you will file your Biennial Report during even-numbered years.
  • When are biennial reports due by
    Biennial reports are due by April 1st of your filing year.
  • How do the forms on
    Based on what you are wanting to file or accomplish for your business you find the correct service we offer and fill out the form. The form is a simplified version that is designed to be easier to follow and quicker to complete. We take that information and create the documents that need to be filed to the correct agency on your behalf.
  • Does IBF create LLC for different states
    No, IBF only does business filings for the state of Iowa. IBF does file business filings for companies that are foreign. Foreign companies are companies that weren't originally formed in the state of Iowa. Any company formed in a state other than Iowa is considered a foreign company
  • How to Check if a Business Name Is Taken
    To find out if a business name is taken you can go the Iowa secretary of state website . There you will click search database (located in the menu bar). Then click "business entities". Next you will see a search by business name box there you will type the name of the desired entity. If you do not find your business name then it is avaliable
  • Do I need an EIN?
    You will need an EIN if any of the following apply to you: You have at least one employee You operate as a corporation You operate as a partnership You must file a federal Employment tax return, Excise tax return, or Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms tax return You have a Keogh plan You are involved with any of the following entities: trusts, estates, real estate mortgage investment conduits, nonprofit organizations, farmers' cooperatives, or plan administrators Corporations or partnerships As noted above, if your business is a corporation or a partnership, you will need to apply for an EIN. You will need the EIN even if your corporation or partnership doesn't have any employees. Limited liability companies (LLCs) If your business is an LLC, you will need an EIN if your business is: A multi-member LLC A single-member LLC with employees (or you plan to hire employees at any time over the next 12 months) A single-member LLC that has elected to be taxed as a corporation If your business is a single-member LLC with no employees (and with no plans to hire any employees over the next 12 months), you do not have a Keogh plan, and you are not required to file any of the federal tax returns mentioned in the Do I Need an EIN? list above, you will not need to apply for an EIN. Instead, you can use your Social Security number when filing your business's federal tax returns. Sole proprietorships If you are a sole proprietor, you will only need to apply for an EIN: If you have employees (or plan on hiring employees over the next 12 months) You have a Keogh plan You are required to file a federal Employment tax return, Excise tax return, or Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms tax return Otherwise, you can continue using your Social Security number with the IRS. Other reasons to apply for an EIN Even though you may not be required by the IRS to apply for an EIN, there are still a few reasons why you may decide to get one anyway. An EIN gives you more privacy, as you can use your EIN instead of your Social Security number on documents. When might this be helpful? If you're a freelancer or an independent contractor, you probably find yourself providing your Social Security number to clients on a fairly regular basis. You may want to use an EIN instead. Depending on your bank, you may need an EIN to open a bank account for your business. You may also find you need an EIN to apply for certain business permits. Using an EIN instead of your Social Security number can help deter identity theft. While having an EIN doesn't mean you won't be the target of identity theft, it can provide an extra layer of protection, as you will be providing your Social Security number less frequently.
  • What is an EIN?
    An EIN, or employer identification number, is a unique nine-digit number assigned to your business by the Internal Revenue Service. You'll use your EIN for federal tax reporting, and you may also need it for banking, state tax accounts, contracts, and business licenses. An EIN is also known as a federal employer identification number (FEIN) or federal tax identification number. In many ways, it's similar to a personal Social Security Number (SSN). Each is a nine-digit federal tax identification number. However, SSNs are only for individuals, and EINs are only for businesses. An SSN's format is xxx-xx-xxxx, while an EIN's format is xx-xxxxxxx. An EIN is not the same as an LLC. An LLC is a type of business entity. An EIN is not an entity. It's a taxpayer identification number that businesses obtain from the IRS.
  • What is the BOI Report
    A Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) report is a document that discloses the individuals who own or control a company and is filed with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN).The BOI report is a requirement of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), a federal law that aims to combat illicit activity by businesses.
  • Do I have to file a BOI Report?
    Most businesses created or registered in the United States must file a BOI report. Many types of companies are exempt from filing a Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) report, including: Sole proprietorships and partnerships: These are not generally required to file a BOI report because they are not created by filing a document with the Secretary of State. Inactive entities: These are exempt from filing a BOI report. Tax-exempt entities: These are exempt from filing a BOI report. Large operating companies: These are exempt if they have: More than 20 full-time employees in the United States A physical office in the United States More than $5 million in gross receipts or sales in the previous year Companies with an Employer Identification Number (EIN): These are exempt from filing a BOI report. Companies with a fictitious business name (DBA): These are exempt from filing a BOI report. Other entities that are exempt include: Accounting firms Banks Brokers and securities dealers Credit unions Governmental authorities Insurance companies Investments companies and advisors Public utilities Venture capital fund advisors A complete list of exempt entities is available on the FinCEN website.
  • What is a foreign company
    Foreign companies are companies that weren't originally formed in the state of Iowa. Any company formed in a state other than Iowa is considered a foreign company in Iowa
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